
Replay Sports – Used Sporting Equipment

At Replay Sports, we are a local sporting goods store in the Twin Ports that buys and sells used sporting equipment. We thrive on giving used equipment a 2nd life. Replay Sports buys a variety of sporting equipment with our website showing most of our inventory. We focus on the following sports equipment.

  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Bowling
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Hockey
  • Soccer

Replay Sports Online Shopping & Appraisal for Used Equipment

Consumers have the option to buy items from our website directly or in person at our store. Also, they may submit an Appraisal Request with pictures via the Appraisal Request page. The appraisal form is only meant to give a rough estimate and see if Replay Sports wants to buy their equipment. This helps consumers to find out faster if we are interested without having to bring the equipment to the store.

If you are interested in receiving an appraisal Click Here.

Football On Center Line
Soccer Ball and Shoes
Golf Ball Near Hole
Replay Sports Kids Playing Baseball
Replay Sports Basketball Timeout
Replay Sports Hockey Players
Replay Sport Bowling

Replay Sports Community Support – Replay with Kids

At Replay Sports, we have a local charity called “Replay with Kids” which we donate some of the equipment we received to kids that are in need of an outlet; however, unable to purchase the equipment. When sending in an appraisal please indicate if you want your used equipment to be donated to Replay with Kids. This will help with gauging whether we will accept the equipment. Also, donated equipment is pure charity meaning that you are giving it by your own free will for no direct compensation. Though you will get paperwork for your yearly taxes.